Are you interested in winning a balloon ride across Oxford?
Macmillan publishers are holding a competition to launch their new dictionary in May. The launch will take place in Radcliffe Square in Oxford (the square where the Radcliffe Camera and Bodleian Library are)on Thursday May 12th at 5.30 pm and a group from school will go down together. At the launch hundreds of balloons will be launched, and if you want to enter the competition your name can be attached to one of them. The name on the balloon that travels the furthest will win a ride in a hot air balloon over Oxford. The launch will take place on the same day in Sao Paolo, Beijing, Bucharest and Madrid, and the balloon that travels furthest of all of these races will win a round-the-world air ticket!! Great prizes eh? The competition is free: all you have to do is give your name to Jackie and then turn up for the balloon race on the day. Everyone who goes down will also get a bag of goodies from the publisher for free. There will be some posters up around school soon, but if you want to know more just come and ask me.