Thursday, August 23, 2007

Goodbye to Eckersley after 9 months

Hi !! from Tariq (A2 class )

oh it's strange on Friday I'm leaveing the school !! I've been there for a long long time

I started studying here on 16/11/06 and I'll finish tomorrow on the 24/08/07 yeah nearly a year!!! you know it will be my best year I ever had in my life I've met alot of people from all around the world yeah like Joan ( I don't know how to spell his name ) , Gianluca , Bernardo , Broun , Silvia , Fanny , Anna , Victoria , patty ,, and I don't want to forget the nice Korean , Abdul , Antonio and alot of from Italy , Spain , Germany , France , Korea, Russia and of course Can ( his nikename biba ) , I don't want to foget same names please fogive me .

However , I want it to thanks very much jackie and every body work in this school ( sorry I don't know how to spell the names but U know it ) offf it's so diffcult to think that I'm not going to Eckersley on monday ??!!! tomorrow they will write ( we will say goodbye to - Tariq !! ) oh no i can't believe this (( finish - the end of about 9 months in Eckersley ) I love to thanks everybody all the teachers and of course Duncan .

what more to write and to say I had really nice time in Oxford

to be continue >>>>>>

Thank you everybody for everything ....

Tariq Alyamani

Saudi Arabia


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Eckersley Times

We have a new publication out in school. Today Class B published the first edition of a new magazine "The Eckersley Times" In it you can read about what's going on in school, some information about things to do in Oxford, and so on. We've printed up 9 black and white copies, one for each of your classrooms, one for the students room and one for the front entrance hall. So have a look at it today!! And hopefully class B (and other students who want to join them) will continue to produce this fantastic magazine to keep us all entertained.

And by the way guys - why is it so incredible that I was dancing at the social evening?


On Friday 17th August, we went to the Ashmolen Museum with our teacher Julia.
We visited the different floors. In the ground floor we looked a different vase, statue and small model the museum. Ozer liked the vase because of the colour, black, drawing. Romina liked the small model of the museum because it was very interesting for her studies in architecture.
On the first floors we looked a different painting, ceramic and jewellery.
In this floor, Ozer favourite painting was The Hunt in the Forest panel by Paolo Dono and Romina favourite painting was Blue Roofs by Plablo Picasso.
On the second floors was impossible to enter because closed but next year can see English glass, Pre-Raphaelites and Dutch still life.
In finally was possible bought a postcard and sovenier.

Ou Visit to the Ashmolean Museum

On Friday 17th August, we went to the Ashmolean Museum with our teacher Julia.
We are very happy, because the Museum is very interesting. Arom bought many postcards in the shop. She’d like to write to her family in Thailand.
Then there were many students to go there. They asked the staff what facilities does the museum offer.
Next the Museum staff explained it: cafĂ©, education department, talks…
At first, we went up to the first floor and asked someone what is the best painting. The Museum staff answered us what is our favourite.
Finally we chose the Forest Fire. The painter is Piero di Cosimo.
We preferred it because Romina said this painter is Italian.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sister Agnes

I wanted to let eveybody know that I heard from Sister Agnes in Africa. She is fine, she's in Kenya in a place called Makuyu. She is working with orphans and sick people. I'm sure she will do a fantastic job and that we wish her all the best. So Sister Agnes, if you read this, Good Luck and Best Wishes!

Quiz Night

Hi everybody!

How was the quiz night last night? Dorothy said she really enjoyed it. I hope you all enjoyed meeting Edd, I'm sure we'll be seeing more of him at our social events. It' s a pity I couldn't make it, but I was singing in a band (!) and cooking dinner for guests. As if that wasn't enough, my landlady came to visit...... anyway, I'm glad the quiz was a success and I'm sure we'll be having some more :>