Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Back to School

Hi everyone! It sounds like Jackie's having a great time in Turkey- all that sun and socialising :> It's really good to see you all again. I had a really good holiday, the weather was perfect for me- their "winter" in South Africa is about 20 degrees centigrade and a bit wet and windy...but we had lots of sunshine too. I saw lots of animals and birds I'd never seen before and went horseriding which was fantastic- Western style like a cowgirl!

I'm doing Jackie's job for the next two weeks, so feel free to come and see me if you want to talk about anything, or just for a chat.

Have a good week everybody

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jane

Why didn't you post as yourself rather than Eckersley?
Glad you had a good holiday. Hope all is well. I tried to send you an email on Monday to welcome you back - must have got the address wrong as it bounced back so I have tried to resend - hope you get it this time.
Nice to feel comfortable that everything is in good hands while I'm away!