Hi !! from Tariq (A2 class )

oh it's strange on Friday I'm leaveing the school !! I've been there for a long long time
I started studying here on 16/11/06 and I'll finish tomorrow on the 24/08/07 yeah nearly a year!!! you know it will be my best year I ever had in my life I've met alot of people from all around the world yeah like Joan ( I don't know how to spell his name ) , Gianluca , Bernardo , Broun , Silvia , Fanny , Anna , Victoria , patty ,, and I don't want to forget the nice Korean , Abdul , Antonio and alot of from Italy , Spain , Germany , France , Korea, Russia and of course Can ( his nikename biba ) , I don't want to foget same names please fogive me .
However , I want it to thanks very much jackie and every body work in this school ( sorry I don't know how to spell the names but U know it ) offf it's so diffcult to think that I'm not going to Eckersley on monday ??!!! tomorrow they will write ( we will say goodbye to - Tariq !! ) oh no i can't believe this (( finish - the end of about 9 months in Eckersley ) I love to thanks everybody all the teachers and of course Duncan .
what more to write and to say I had really nice time in Oxford
to be continue >>>>>>
Thank you everybody for everything ....
Tariq Alyamani
Saudi Arabia